Script Reading & Dramaturgy

One on One support on your writing projects

I love working with playwrights on a one-to-one basis, providing support on script development, polishing finished drafts, or starting a brand new idea from scratch. With experience working as a dramaturg, playwriting mentor and playwriting teacher, I'm here for you every step of the way.

Experience includes dramaturgy attachments with The Bush Theatre (London), Traverse Theatre (Edinbrugh) and Playwrights’ Studio Scotland and work as a dramaturg for Theatre503 (London), Arts Centre Melbourne and the Victorian College of the Arts. I have also undertaken dramaturgy observations with the National Theatre of Scotland and Melbourne Theatre Company, and work as a script reader for Playwriting Australia and Currency Press.


How to work with me

Script reading

Script reading (also known as a ‘script assessment’) looks at the overall structure, content and style of your play. After I read your play, I’ll write up my notes and we’ll work through the feedback in detail together. This may include discussing the narrative details, characters, structure, style, dialogue and tone, to offer you guidance on the big picture and a clear strategy for moving forward.


Dramaturgy gives writers support and feedback over a play’s development. Our first session begins with reading your script and a detailed feedback session (described above in ‘script reading’) followed by two or more sessions to work more in-depth together. We look at your draft, writing craft, creative process and your plans for ‘what next’. I provide a blend of dramaturgical feedback, tangible actions and writing tasks to complete before our next session. This also gives you a place to share about your writing process and story ideas without any fear of judgment, knowing you will be supported, encouraged and guided as a writer. You will be surprised how far we can get your project in a few months if you feel ready to put in the work.



  • Reading and feedback on your play (or what you’ve written so far if the play isn't finished).

  • Detailed feedback session (usually 90min)

  • My standard script-reading fee is $250


  • Ongoing reading and feedback on your play as it unfolds, usually over a few months (or a supportive timeline for you).

  • 3 detailed feedback sessions

  • $700

I’ve thought hard about how much to charge, balancing affordability for writers with the time it takes to offer a deep and meaningful engagement with your play and ideas.

To work together email me at

Why would you get one on one support on your project? Here are a few reasons…

  • you have a great concept, but now find yourself 30 pages into a plot that feels hazy

  • you have lots of ideas for what could happen, but how to implement them is unclear or overwhelming

  • you have some script fragments and ideas and need support identifying what is possible

  • your plot has a string of smaller conflicts that don’t seem to add up to anything

  • your characters are well-developed, but are now sitting around in an interesting location waiting for something to happen

  • you’ve had some feedback already, but are unsure of how to implement the notes or feel lost and defeated

  • you have a finished first draft and are ready for an outside eye to support its growth