Oops! I'm Drafting Again

In the background I’ve been reworking some aspects of the play I finished last year, so this podcast is about diving back into writing projects after an extended amount of time away. I speak about:

  • Reading your own work at the same time of day you prefer to write in, as your mood and your energy levels can affect how you perceive the text.

  • Using a creative process journal or project workbook.

  • Listing out the events of your play (i.e. things that significantly alter the dramatic action or the trajectory of a character)

  • Using index cards to physicalise the structure.

  • Dramaturgy, feedback and implementing notes.

  • Prioritising rewrites by asking, ‘Which changes will impact the story the most?’ Start there, rather than going for quick wins.

  • The magic of asking, ‘Do I have everything I need to take the next step?’ Then keeping it simple and taking one step at a time.

Thank you for listening. You can learn more about my work on my about page or say hi and ask me a question via @emilysheehan__ on Instagram.